At the airport: READY ! GO !

Wall Creeper also named Butterfly Bird Hoopoe Magestic
An elegant goldfinch An eagle spotting other birds A bilingual nightingale An owl at night A red robin in our garden A swallow announcing Sprinng A cute hummingbird A laughing seagull A majestic swan sliding on the water A cheerful chaffinch A skylark fluttering in the air A woodpecker drumming in the forest A barnacle goose returning from Canada A proud heron choosing his dish A condor hovering over the world A dove before the rainbow A humble sparrow begging for bread An emotional emu A kiwi polishing his shoes but for sure not a brainless linnet and even less of an old cuckoo.
When, in the evening mists, the Pelican returns
From his travel abroad to his nest of reeds,
His famished young run over the shore
On seeing him swoop, far away, over the waters.
Already thinking to seize and to share the prey,
They run to their parent with cries of joy
Shaking their beaks on hideous necks.
Slowly, now, he gains a perch on a rock
Sheltering his young with his wing held wide,
A melancholy fisher gazing up to the sky.
In long streaks from his opened breast flows his blood,
In vain has he searched the depths of the sea,
The ocean empty, the shoreland bare,
For nourishment, he has brought his heart.
Incredibly Witty Article written by a customer. Reading a book in class, Using the vocabulary given.
I am not a trifle glib of tongue, but I’ll tell you a cute story:
I am a happy dog. I have a good memory matress and a warm blanket where I can huddle. My dad and my mum have decked the room ,heated by an Inglewood hearth, where I sleep.
On Christmas eve I met a lame old man who was looking for food in the trash near the great bulk of the cathedral. He was limping and shivering.
I ran to him and surprisingly he followed me. I took him into my room and lent him my matress so that he can rest: and picked up a garland to make him a Christmas finery and laid against him to warm him. He fell asleep.
When my mum came she looked at us dryly. I gave her my cocker eyes. She went out but ,after a while, came back with two smoking plates full of pieces of wild boar haunch: one for the man and one for me.
I had made a new friend and adopted him and even for the holidays I will not give up on him.
I am seriously thinking of creating a Human Protection Society (HPS).