Reaction from a customer, Christine :
A few days ago I read an article in a newspaper which chocked me. The EU Government wish to forbid lavender growing, or at least regulate essential oil production due to some harmful and allergic substances.
If our health is really vital for the government, why not forbid cars, airplanes, alcohol!
Reality is these products are taxed making lots of money for the state.
I am most likely in danger when cleaning, eating meat or fish fed with antibiotics.
Much flora can be dangerous for our health if consumption or concentration is too high.
For instance apple seeds eaten on its own can be poisonous, use of a lit cigarette can cause a fire or explosion, and peanuts can be mortal or allergic to some, so forbid aperitifs!
As we cannot forbid all, should we have skull and crossbones on all products!
What is scarier!
After thinking, I believe the new prohibition hides only a question of money, not our well-being.